the right thing to do

Introduction and Alignment

With a variety of perspectives on diversity in your repertoire, it is time to decide why diversity is the right thing for any organization you choose. For this assignment, the question is not whether, but why, and the presumption is that it is the right thing to do. Your responsibility is to explain why in a persuasive way that meets academic expectations for relevance and rigor. Through this assignment, you will distill your own thoughts on the topic and be able to defend diversity as a strategic and ethical imperative in your organization.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

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  • Explain why diversity is good for the organization.
  • Understand foundations of the law on diversity.


  • Bible
  • Textbook: Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership
  • Textbook: Essentials of Business Ethics
  • Media: Verizon Diversity

Background Information

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in all federally assisted programs. Application of such laws affects many organizations in many ways. Though all organizations are not federally assisted, many may be connected to such organizations and will sometimes, by extension, be required to abide by these laws. Often, to provide internal guidance to their employees, organizations will have their own policies to explain corporate positions on a variety of topics, including discrimination. Many business executives will give these types of directives to their attorneys and other executive leaders for policy formulation, regardless of the personal feelings of those individuals.

The title of this workshop assignment, The Right Thing to Do, need not be the title of your paper, though it should be similar in theme. The specifics should be of your choosing, but the general theme of the assignment should be an analysis of what the majority (51% or more) decide is important as opposed to what is the right decision (for all, the community, the organization).

Consider how diversity of cultures, perspectives, experiences, genders, and ages benefits an organization and leads to business growth. The output should include content that you can imagine presenting to the organization’s leadership as a policy model.


  1. View the media, Verizon Diversity.
  2. Review Chapter 10 of Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership and Chapter 7 of Essentials of Business Ethics. As you read, think about the ethical reasons that diversity is ethically the right thing to do.
  3. Review the devotional in this workshop to provide a biblical perspective on this assignment.
  4. Write an 800- to 1000-word research paper in which you:
    1. Create a policy statement that summarizes why diversity is an ethical imperative for your organization.
      1. Use both a secular and biblical perspective in crafting your position.
      2. Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
    2. Summarize the legal arguments of the majority for diversity within an organization.
      1. This summary should be an analysis of what the majority (51% or more) decide is important as opposed to what is the right decision (for all, the community, the organization).
      2. Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
    3. Summarize the benefits to an organization for embracing diversity.
      1. The output should include content that you can imagine presenting to the organization’s leadership as a policy model.
      2. Provide a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
  5. Support your positions with at least six references from scholarly sources.
  6. Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA formatting for your analysis paper. (Note: cover pages, academic sources, reference pages, etc. do not count towards the word length requirement in your paper.)
  7. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox by the end of the workshop (Turnitin will be enabled).

Click here to access the Dropbox.

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