natural disasters and public health 200 words and two responses 100 words

Natural disasters are inevitable. There are environmental factors, such as climate change, that influence the number of natural disasters. Emergency management and communities have to be prepared for natural disasters.

Please answer the following questions:

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  1. What natural disaster is your local community at highest risk?
  2. Considering this information, what are the triage, mass casualty care, and public health challenges involved in a response to this disaster?
  3. If you have experience in natural disaster response, please share your stories and insights with the class. ( I have no experience of natural disasters).



Initial Response: Initial responses should be no less than 200 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least two references (aside from the textbook). Initial responses are due no later than 11:55 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Day 3 of each week. This allows time for other students to respond to your initial response. Please be aware that just “cutting and pasting” sections of articles (in lieu of writing an original initial post) is not acceptable and will negatively impact your grade.

Peer Responses: Students are required to respond to at least two (2) other student’s initial postings (and the instructor) with significant comments that have substance. Peer responses are due no later than 11:55 p.m. ET on Sunday, Day 7 of each week. All peer responses must be substantial and significant and should be no less than 100 words in length not including your reference(s) and supported by at least one reference (aside from the textbook). If possible, one of the responses to another’s work should be from an opposing viewpoint. Your response to your peers work should be engaging and informative with good substance (just stating “I agree…” is not acceptable). Your responses should contribute in a meaningful way to helping advance our knowledge of the topics the class explores. Your responses to another’s work should be posted as a sub-thread to the student’s original posting of whom you are commenting.

For all Forum activity, students are encouraged to use the APUS Online Library to search for references that help support their argument (in addition to textbook material). All posts should contribute and advance the class knowledge of the course themes. The Forum provides an opportunity for everyone to analyze work from many different perspectives.

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