tax research

The ability to locate current and relevant facts in order to support a tax question position is one of the most valuable skills a tax preparer can possess. During this course you will develop a tax research project based upon specific tax service situations and issues. This project will provide you with an opportunity to improve your tax research and presentation skills, thus helping to prepare you for effective tax planning and preparation.

In Module 5, you selected one of the two scenarios. Then, you investigated applicable resources and provided an annotated bibliography (identifying at least three different resources) for your selection.

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For this activity, you will develop a research paper based upon your selected tax scenario. Consider the following questions (but not limited to) for inclusion in your research project:

1. What tax regulations support and/or limit deductions taken?

2. What questions would you ask the client to substantiate the deductions taken?

3. What would result if the tax return you prepared were audited?

4. What approach would you use to prioritize the results of the information you find during your research?

5. How would this information be useful if you owned a business?

Your submission should be at least 4-6 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Use 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Use APA style format when citing any sources.

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