psy331 dq week5

Learner Needs: Multiple Intelligences

Prior to engaging in this discussion please read Chapter 7: Evolving Frameworks, in your e-book,watch the Theory of Multiple Intelligences video, read the article “Multiple Intelligences” (2011), and review the Instructor Guidance.

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Traditionally, someone who is intelligent is defined as an individual who can solve problems, use logic to answer questions, and think critically. However, psychologist Howard Gardner has created a much broader definition of intelligence called multiple intelligences, which is more focused on our areas of learning preferences. For this discussion, please complete the following:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of intelligence (IQ) and multiple intelligences (MIs) by comparing and contrasting the differing variables associated with each.
  • Thinking critically about these foundational differences, comment on how Gardner’s ideas about learning preferences might change the way we assess a person’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Click the following link and take the MI assessment. Review your results.
    • Do you agree with the assessment? How can what you have learned about yourself help support your learning performance? List at least two behaviors you could change or traits you could develop in your own behaviors, and explain how they support your assessment results.
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