racism essay 1

Required Sources:

Prompt: According to reformer/activist Ida B. Wells and Congressman George H. White, how did racism affect African Americans living in the U.S. and what did they accomplish in spite of this racism?

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  • • The two required primary sources must be cited in your paper so I know where the information that you are discussing came from. This is true for all papers; you must explain where you are getting your information from.
    • Consider the following questions when you are writing your essay. Who wrote the primary source and how did their social location (race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.) influence their writing and the argument they made in the primary source. There is always an argument of some kind in primary sources; some are more obvious than others.
    • Papers must be 1.5 pages in length and should follow standard formatting (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins).
    • Your paper must have:
    • An argument (prompt answer), which you underline and state at the beginning of your paper.
    • At least 3 cited examples from the primary sources to support or prove your argument.
    • An introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
    • DO NOT use outside research and do not plagiarize.


□ 1.5 page length, used standard formatting

□ Essay format: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion

□ Clearly written, proofread, and spell-checked

□ Specifically answered all parts of the prompt

□ Underlined argument and supported it well with at least 3 pieces of evidence

□ Used all required sources and cited them correctly

□ Did not use outside research and did not plagiarize


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