3 forum posts one 350 words one 500 words one 350 500 words see description

Forum Post 1 350 words with peer reviewed works cited (International Peacekeeping from 1988-present):

Please answer the following question, incorporating our readings and course materials from the Lessons for this week.

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At the end of the Cold War, when one might have expected a period of peace and stability, we see the opposite–a noticeable increase in the number of peacekeeping operations. In the five years between 1989 and 1994, the Security Council authorized a total of 20 new operations, and an increase from 11,000 to 75,000 peacekeeping troops and civilian personnel.

Peacekeepers conducted in operations including the nations of Angola, Cambodia, El Salvador, Mozambique, Namibia – and our case study, Yugoslavia. In addition to their mandate to keep the peace their duties included helping to implement peace agreements, train and reorganize the military and police departments, supervise elections and assist in building democratic institutions.

Question: After completing our readings, please evaluate the degree of success of these missions overall. You may also comment on the reasons for the dramatic increase in peacekeeping operations. How did the theories, principles, and methodologies of UN peacekeeping help or hinder the success?

Forum Post 2 500 words in bluebook format (Legal Ethics):

Please post a summary of a newspaper article related to legal ethics (preferably from Utah).For example, it should be about a lawyer who has violated the ethics rules by taking advantage of a client or not following through on a representation.Just because something is not ethical does not mean it is relevant here.Please paraphrase and summarize the article in your own words. Provide the link and cite to the article and let us know whether you agree or not with the article, and why.

Forum Post 3 350-500 words bluebook format (Legal Research and Writing):

Part I.

Assume that you just obtained your “dream job” as a junior associate attorney at a prestigious litigation law firm in New York, New York.On the first day of orientation, the firm’s librarian asks you to attend training on how to conduct basic research on a legal database called, Nexis Uni. The next day, one of the firm’s senior partners James Varney calls you into his office and ask you to do some research for him.

Your senior partner asks you to locate a recent Supreme Court case that addressed an immigration law issue dealing with the citizenship rights of a child born abroad.Our client, Molly Sullivan, who is unmarried and a citizen of the United States, lived abroad since she was eighteen years old and recently had a child with a citizen of Ireland out of wedlock.Molly Sullivan has asked the firm whether her one-year-old daughter can obtain citizenship in the United States.Please locate a recent case issued by the United States Supreme Court that addressed this issue. Provide your senior partner with a citation of the case as well as a summary of the case no longer than 500 words.And, then be prepared to answer any questions that your senior partner may ask about the case.

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