two variable inequalities 1

Two-Variable Inequalities

Read the following instructions to complete this assignment: 

  1. Solve problem 68 on page 539 of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, and make sure to study the given graph. For the purposes of the assignment, it would be helpful to copy the graph onto your own scratch paper. 

  2. Write a two- to three-page paper (not including the title page) that is formatted in APA style and according to the Math Writing Guide. Format your math work as shown in the  example , and be concise in your reasoning. In the body of your essay, do the following:

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    • Demonstrate your solution to all three portions of the above problem, making sure to include all mathematical work, and an explanation for each step.
    • Use the inequality you create from part (a) of problem 68 to evaluate the following two scenarios:
      • The Burbank Buy More store is going to make an order which will include, at most, 60 refrigerators. What is the maximum number of TVs that could also be delivered on the same 18-wheeler? Be sure to show all your work and how you came to that conclusion.
      • The next day, the Burbank Buy More decides they will have a television sale so they change their order to include at least 200 TVs. What is the maximum number of refrigerators that could also be delivered in the same truck? Be sure to show your work and how you came to that conclusion.

  3. Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.):
    • Solid line
    • Dashed line
    • Parallel
    • Linear inequality
    • Test point
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