biology help 24

Question 1

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All of the following pairings between a cell cycle phase and what happens during it are correct, 

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Question 2

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If you found a single cell with two nuclei, what explanation might be true?

Question 3

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If a germ cell has 20 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after meiosis?

Question 4

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Somatic cells are reproduced during the process of _____________:

Question 5

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Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A DIPLOID cell from this organism has 20 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a GERM CELL of this organism?

Question 6

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During which stage of the cell cycle is the DNA replicated?

Question 7

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A sperm cell is an example of:

Question 8

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If a somatic cell has 24 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after mitosis?

Question 9

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DNA that is tightly wound around histone proteins is the easiest to divide. Is this statement true or false?

Question 10

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During the S phase of the cell cycle, DNA is replicated. What form would you expect the DNA to be in?

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