critical thinking on your own

For this Discussion, select one of the following controversial issues:

1. Cause of autism

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2. Use of hypnosis in therapy

3. Validity of eyewitness testimony

4. Legalizing same-sex marriage

Search the Internet and find two news or other articles that defend different positions on the issue you chose. Be sure to include the URL for each article as a reference, using the appropriate APA format in the citation.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a brief description of the controversial topic in psychology you selected and the different position articles you chose. Between the two articles, identify a minimum of three common errors and/or fallacies. Evaluate the impact of the errors/fallacies you selected on the psychology profession and on public perception, behavior, and/or attitudes. Explain how you would re-think, re-write, or address the errors/fallacies you selected.

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