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Religious Freedom: Real or Just an Ideal?

The ideal of religious freedom has been a part of the history of the United States from the time of the first settlers. Consider to what degree there has been religious freedom in America and to what extent there has been religious oppression.

To prepare for this Application:

  • Review Chapter 6, focusing on pages 143–147.

  • Review the Web site: The First Amendment Center and select some resources that will provide historical perspectives including pertinent court cases and commentary on current issues. Please find the link to the Web site under this week’s Learning Resources.

  • Think about whether or not you believe that the country “delivers” on the promise of religious freedom.
  • Reflect on why the ideal of religious freedom sometimes has been difficult to achieve.

To complete this Application Assignment, write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses the following:

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  • Consider your thoughts about why and how religious freedom was guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, and why it has been difficult to achieve that ideal.

  • Using specific examples, discuss whether the concept of “religious liberty” in America has been real or is just an ideal.

  • Cite reasons why you think it is or is not important to maintain a separation between church and state.

  • Relate why or why not the concept of religious freedom is relevant to today’s contemporary society.
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