introduction business homework 0

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Unit II Case Study 

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This assignment provides you with an opportunity to read about a real-world business and then to respond to critical-thinking questions about the business’s approach toward ethics and social responsibility. 

Click here to download a worksheet, which includes a passage about Zappos as well as the critical-thinking questions for you to answer. Answer the questions within the worksheet, and then save your work before submitting the worksheet in Blackboard for grading. 

The purpose of this assignment is for you to think critically about ethics and social responsibility for a business as well as to introduce you to the idea of a case study. Case studies typically include a case to read, followed by students writing a brief paper in response to the case. This particular case study provides the critical-thinking questions, while other case studies might exclude the questions. If a case study excludes the questions, then you will need to think critically by asking questions about the case before drafting a brief paper. 

Citation guide: The Success Center at the university has prepared a citation guide for students to use as they prepare course work in APA Style. The guide is very helpful for in-text citations and reference citations. Click here to access a copy of the citation guide. 


Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. 

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