operations management 90



The warehouse manager thought your presentation on operations management was extremely valuable to the company. He now wants to shift the conversation to focus on his warehouse department. You told him a little about supply chain design and how it could improve inventory management. He is interested in hearing more about supply chain design and wants his department staff to also be aware of this valuable resource. He has asked you to create a memo that will be sent out to everyone in his department.

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Draft a memo of 1,000–1,200 words explaining to your warehouse managers how effective supply chain design could help to enhance profitability and stakeholder value for the company, including the following:

  • Provide an analysis of the behaviors of supply chain networks and supply chain drivers in your memo.
  • Explain how supply chain impacts distribution of assets and resources.
  • The memo should include a visual representation of an example supply chain network using the “Shape” or SmartArt” option in MS Word.



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