Federal Reserve Presentation

Your boss has chosen you to give a presentation to a number of foreign officials regarding the United States Federal Reserve System. These officials are very interested in doing business in the United States, but they would like to learn more about the Federal Reserve and how it operates as compared to the official’s home country.


*Your instructor will provide a list of countries from which you may select as the home country of the “foreign officials”.

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Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation including detailed speaker notes.


Address the following questions and include a notes page which contains the write-up portion to each question:


  • What are the factors that would influence the Federal Reserve in adjusting the discount rate?
  • How does the discount rate affect the decisions of banks in setting their specific interest rates?
  • How does monetary policy aim to avoid inflation?
  • How does monetary policy control the money supply?
  • How does a stimulus program (through the money multiplier) affect the money supply?
  • Currently, what indicators are evident that there is too much or too little money within the economy? How is monetary policy aiming to adjust this?
  • What are some major differences between the Federal Reserve System and the monetary system in the officials’ home country?


Format consistent with APA guidelines including a reference slide.

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