project management 35

Project Management

You identified the people you need for the project team, talked with the various department heads, and shared the time and skill requirements. All the departments are able to provide people to the project at the levels needed. The person from Design who normally participates heavily in this type of project, however, is on leave for the first six months of the project. You and the department manager were able to agree on replacing the one full-time person with two part-time people. The first person will be able to work on the project approximately 15 – 20 hours per week and can cover the tasks that require more design expertise. The design department manager has instead offered the following people from whom you can choose to cover the remaining tasks:

  • Russell Smith – design specialist. Russell is in the same role as the person leaving but for a different product line. Russell is new to the company; however, he has been involved in creating a similar product at a prior company but in a more junior role. Russell is available to the project approximately 15 hours per week.
  • Katy Jones – marketing specialist. Katy has been with the company for many years and is very familiar with the specifications, design implications, and production risks of many of the existing product lines, including one very similar to the new product. Katy is normally in a more senior design role on projects, which is the role being filled by the other person. Katy is available to the project approximately 10 hours per week.

 post an email (about five paragraphs long) to your manager describing your options, your recommended staffing decision, the possible risks or difficulties that may come from your choice, and how you will address those risks/difficulties. Describe how you will pull this person into the project team and get their buy-in on the project’s charter and their role on the project.

APA format; in-text citation to include author name and year; reference list with website or book, with author name and year… 6 paragraghs only.

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