discussion assignment leadership development

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Kindly write only Four paragraphs including the introduction, one page should be enough try to minimize it using funnel writing style. The required format is APA requires supporting citations along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed

Please find below the assignment guideline and clarification;

Think about one effective and one ineffective leader who you have encountered. Determine how each leader was effective or ineffective in his or her leadership styles and explain your reasoning with support from sources and actual examples. Incorporate in your response materials to justify your assessment of leader effectiveness and ineffectiveness such as leader traits, leader skills, leader behaviors and leadership theories such as situational leadership, contingency leadership, path-goal theory or leader-member exchange theory. In the case of the ineffective leader, make suggestions as to how he or she could improve his or her individual leadership style.

Embed course material concepts, principles and theories (require supporting citations) along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article.

Keep in mind that scholarly references is requiered.

Below is the course book.(Leadership Theory& Practice)

Northouse, Peter G.. Leadership: Theory and Practice (Kindle Locations 4573-4574). SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.

Best Regards,

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