it security essay 1

The hypervisor (sometimes called the virtual machine manager or VM) monitors running virtual machines and manages how those VMs are sharing hardware. Furthermore, the hypervisor also has a migration module that manages how to move a VM from one server to another. One of the major attacks on the hypervisor is called the hidden channel attack.

Analyse and evaluate the risks and security concerns with the hidden channel attack; discuss strategies for addressing them.

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Your answer/report should include the following sections:

– Introduction

– Background

– Risk and Security concerns of hidden channel attacks

– Strategies for addressing them

– Conclusions and future trends


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to explain fundamental information security concepts.
  • be able to evaluate some of the key application security concepts and practices.

Marking criteria and standards

Assessable Components

100% – 85%

84% – 75%
84% – 75%
64% – 50%
49% – 0
(8 marks)
Comprehensive introduction to the topic. Comprehensive introduction to the topic. Minor omissions only. Introduction with some omissions. Partially complete but correct introduction to the topic. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment.
Possible Marks
8.0 – 6.8 6.7 – 6.0 5.9 – 5.2 5.1 – 4.0 3.9 – 0
Background (10 marks) Comprehensive background grounded in existing literature and concepts. Comprehensive background grounded in existing literature and concepts. Minor omissions only. Background grounded in existing literature and concepts. Some omissions. Limited background information. Limited evidence of research. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment.
Possible Marks 10.0 – 8.5 8.4 – 7.5 7.4 – 6.4 6.4 – 5 4.9 – 0
Risk and security concerns of hidden channel attacks
(24 marks)
Comprehensive description of risk and security concerns of hidden channel attacks, grounded in theory and literature. Comprehensive description of risk and security concerns of hidden channel attacks, grounded in theory and literature.
Minor omissions only.
Good description of risk and security concerns of hidden channel attacks. Evidence of research.
Some omissions.
Limited description. Limited evidence of research. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment.
Possible Marks 24.0 – 20.4 20.16 – 18 17.76 – 15.6 15.36 – 12 11.76 – 0
Strategies for addressing them
(24 marks)
Comprehensive description of strategies for addressing the issues, grounded in theory and literature. Comprehensive description of strategies for addressing the issues, grounded in theory and literature.
Minor omissions only.
Mostly comprehensive description of strategies for addressing the issues. Evidence of research. Some omissions. Limited description. Limited evidence of research. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment.
Possible Marks 24.0 – 20.4 20.16 – 18 17.76 – 15.6 15.36 – 12 11.76 – 0
Conclusions and future trends (24 marks) Analytical and clear conclusions drawn, well grounded in theory and literature. Good development shown in summary of concepts in the conclusion based in theory/literature. Evidence of findings and conclusions grounded in theory/literature. Limited evidence of findings and conclusions supported by theory/literature. Unsubstantiated/ invalid conclusions based on anecdote and generalisation only, or no conclusions at all.
Possible Marks 24.0 – 20.4 20.16 – 18 17.76 – 15.6 15.36 – 12 11.76 – 0
Presentation; referencing using APA referencing system including in text citations. (10 marks) Professionally presented report including all relevant sections as stated in the assessment. Faultless
reference list and in text citations.
High quality
Professionally presented report including all relevant sections as stated in the assessment. Minor omissions only.
Very good
reference list and
in text citations.
High quality
Professionally presented report including all relevant sections as stated in the assessment. Some omissions.

Good referencing,
reference list and
in text citations.
Good quality

Average presentation.
Evidence of
referencing skills.
Mix of good and
poor quality
Major omissions in presentation.
Poor quality
Possible Marks 10.0 – 8.5 8.4 – 7.5 7.4 – 6.5 6.4 – 5.0 4.9 – 0

Total marks: 100


All sources of information must be appropriately referenced using the APA style

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