answer the 2 questions in 4 full pages

Please write answers to the two questions below as part of one paper with a general introduction to the questions, body, and a general conclusion to the questions by using the 3 sources that available in the attached files. Transition to each part of the paper.

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  • The paper will become part of Turnitin, so please make sure that it’s 100% original and free of plagiarism.
  • Use only the 3 sources that provided in the attached files.
  • Do not search the internet for information.

Technical Points:
1. Your paper is to be 4 full pagesdouble-spaced, (not including the Works Cited page)
in black Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1-inch margins.
These requirements are not the default setting for Word. Please make the necessary

  • Do not usefirst-person and second-person pronouns in the paper except in #2b.
  • Include an introductionto the paper (not a general introduction to the philosopher),
    body, and conclusion to the paper(not a general conclusion to the philosopher).
  • Use MLA Style with in-text citations.…
    If Plato’s name is not in the sentence:
    1st citation for The Phaedo, e.g. (Plato, Phaedo 78b4)
    2nd citation for The Phaedo (Phaedo xxx)
    1st citation for The Phaedrus (Plato Phaedrus 245e)
    2nd citation for The Phaedrus (Phaedrus xxx)
  • Do not quote sentences. Cite key phrases; paraphrase from the assigned sources, citing key concepts. This paper summarizes your understanding of the concepts.

Questions guideline:

Write the answers (paragraph form with no bullet points) to both of the following two questions as part of one paper with a general introduction to the questions, body, and a general conclusion to the questions. Transition to each part of the paper.

Question 1 (50 pts.) Answer the questions in order in paragraph form without using Arabic numerals, small letters, or bulleted points.
1. a. Describe Plato’s idea about the fundamental struggle within a human being not only
between the body and the soul but also within the soul. Be sure to use the technical
term for this struggle in your answer.
Explain this struggle using Plato’s Cave (Phaedo, the textbook [Archetypes of
] and the Chariot (Phaedrus).
b. Which is the more important component for Plato? Why?
Make a transition between paragraphs and from one answer to the next.

Question 2 (25 pts.) Answer the questions in order in paragraph form without using Arabic numerals or small letters.
2. a. Theoretically, how could modern young adults react to Plato’s theories about this
dualism? For example, could they identify with this struggle? Why or why not?
Using modern situations, explain positions from perspectives that agree with Plato
and perspectives that would not agree with Plato.
b. Explain in detail your opinion about Plato’s explanation of this struggle. Do you
agree or disagree with Plato? Explain.

Please spent more time on Question#1 than question#2, as this question worth 50% of the total grade while question#2 is only 25% of the total grads, and the rest 25% divided as following:

  • Logical flow of ideas with introduction, body, conclusion: 15%
  • Academic English (correct grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation): 10%
    Additionally, points will be deducted for not following directions and for an overabundance of quotes.
  • Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy. 8thed by Soccio, Douglas page 147-148 only The charioteer
  • Phaedo 78b4-84b8; 105c-108c (see the attached files as I highlighted a lot of good points)


  • Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy. 8thed by Soccio, Douglas page 147-148 only The charioteer
  • Phaedo 78b4-84b8; 105c-108c (see the attached files as I highlighted a lot of good points)

-Phaedrus 245e–254e (see the attached files as I highlighted a lot of good points)

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