Identify at least three objectives for improving the organization’s learning and growth, and show how they relate to the mission, vision, and strategy of the organization.


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For each objective, develop at least one meaningful performance measure (metric).


For each objective, identify at least one expected level of performance (target).


For each objective, identify at least one new action or program that needs to be developed to ensure successful implementation of the organization’s strategy (initiative).


Comment briefly on the relationships of the learning and growth objectives that you’ve identified here to the financial objectives that you identified in the Module 1 SLP assignment, the customer service objectives you identified in Module 2, and/or the internal business process objectives you identified in Module 3. How do they help to fulfill those objectives? If they don’t (and they don’t have to), what makes them more important than objectives that would relate to customer service, business processes, or financial operations?


Finally, do you wish to make any changes to your Module 1, 2, or 3 objective write-ups in light of your Module 4 experience?


Here’s a table that you may wish to copy and fill in. (The boxes are expandable; take all the space you need to be complete in your descriptions. No more than 2–3 pages should be necessary.)



















Relationships to other objectives



Revisions (if any) to Module 1, 2, and/or 3 Objectives






















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