how one child policy in china affected the labor market

You have to post your final papers by December 1st at 1pm. Presenting the paper will be optional this semester and provides you with extra points. If you want to present your paper, you must specify it in your email before the Oct11th deadline. For those presenting their deadline for the paper submission would be 48 hours before their presentation time which will be confirmed at the time of proposal approval.

The presentation will be for 5 minutes and must include explaining the central questions, findings, and arguments around it and your personal conclusion.

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You have to find a specific question related to the labor market topics and find the answer for it. You need to be able to use the concepts learned in the class for your analysis. I provided a list of suggested articles and topics related to different issues in Labor Economics. You can choose the one that has the most interesting central question and using other related articles to address the main question and answer it in your paper. Only one person can work on each topic, so it’s on a first come, first served basis.

The second option of choosing your own question and working on it. The topic should be related to one of the materials we discuss in class. However, I leave the question absolutely up to you, and you can be as creative as you want. You have to be able to explain why this topic interests you and why it is important from a labor economics perspective.

I have to approve your topic before the proposal deadline (Oct11th at 1 pm). Failing to choose your paper or topic by deadline causes in losing 50 % of the paper grade. There will be no exception.

Once you choose your topic, there will be no change, especially for the papers. so, make sure you choose what you want to work on. If for some reason you decide to change your topic it can be done after the deadline when everyone else is done choosing their topics, and 50 % of the point will be reduced. There will be no exception to this rule as well.

To choose a paper:

Write your name in front of the article you choose as your main article or the question. (on the left side before the number) If the question asks you for more details (such as the name of the sport you want to cover) write that done next to your name. There should be only one name next to each article and question (unless the type of the group you are choosing such as sport are different.

*Once you choose, you are not allowed to change it without losing points.( check the syllabus for details).

Email me and get the approval before the deadline if you are interested in working on something besides the topics below.

Every student is required to choose a topic and write a short essay (minimum 1000-1500 words) on it.

I choose How one-child policy in China affected the labor market for my topic.

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