comparative literature 2

Need 2 paragraph, total word count 300. No outside resources needed, only use the attached reading.

Reading responses are not meant to be formal papers, but rather sketches of analytic ideas, questions you think are worth pursuing, hypotheses you might like to develop or test. Some of these responses may become “leads” for your midterm and final essays.

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When the readings for class are theoretical, your responses should attempt to recapitulate the main argument. If you’re not sure what the argument is, or if it seems that there are multiple arguments and you’re not sure which is most central or how they relate to each other, your response could describe this confusion. Also, try to imagine what problem or concern the author is trying to address. What’s motivating the essay? What does the author accomplish and how? You should give some thought to the way the argument is put together. How is it structured? What rhetorical or stylistic gestures does the author use to persuade the reader? Is there anything that author overlooks?

When the assignment is an aesthetic text (whether film, art, photography, or novel), you’ll want to consider the relationship between form and content. You might reflect on character analysis, themes, aesthetic or formal elements specific to the medium, and the work’s political or philosophical implications.

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