4 differnt thing need in 10 hours

number 1


Since 2000, a number of financially successful businesses have acquired notoriety for an unforeseen and sudden business failure. These include companies such as TYCO, WorldCom, Enron, Global Crossing, Waste Management, and others.

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  • Identify one company with a history of management success that was destroyed by a “leadership” failure.
  • Describe the demise of the company and describe the “leadership failings” that contributed to that demise.
  • The paper should include a description of the company including its stated mission, vision and its historical markers of success.
  • It should also contain a researched and cited analysis of the outcomes of that failure for the company.
  • Finally it should contain your analysis of those failures of leadership, what could have been done differently, and what are the implications to you as a leader?

Your submitted assignment should be 5 pages and include correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Be sure to cite your sources per APA formatting.


number 2



Write and send email of invitation asking for feedback about your personal behavioral style. Share as much of the feedback that you received from the DiSC assessment as you feel comfortable with and ask for feedback on whether your colleagues see you as you see yourself. Explain to the participants why their participation will benefit you both.

You should identify 5 of your colleagues (preferably a mix of peers, supervisors, subordinates, customers, and friends) to send your email to. Your email needs to be short enough to command their attention, but long enough to convince them that this will be of real value to you and potentially to them.

It is important you send the email as well as submit to the drop box as you will use the feedback received in a future assignment.

Your submitted assignment should include correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar usage.


number 3

Write an essay about the cultural impact of popular music on society, and how it reflects the social issues of its time of production.

  • Select a popular song from the era of your choice (1950’s – 2000’s), and discuss its cultural impact.
  • Analyze the meaning of the lyrics, and discuss how this song represents an element of popular culture/ American society.
  • The main focus of your essay should be regarding symbolism, and the symbolic nature of the song you have chosen.
  • Give some background into the musician or musical group you have chosen.
  • Then, discuss some of the social and political issues present in American and, if relevant, international culture that were going on at the time of the song’s release.

This paper should be 3 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college’s library resources. A minimum of one scholarly article should be included in your essay.


number 4


Discuss the problematic nature of attempting to define popular culture. Why is it such a difficult subject to find a working definition? Give examples of some of the issues encountered when attempting to define and study this complex subject. This paper should be 1-2 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college’s library resources. One scholarly article as a minimum should be included in your essay.

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