write a 750 to 1 050 word paper on the following scenario

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper on the following scenario:

Jonathan owns and operates a deli restaurant in New York City. It is a family business and all of the employees are family members. Jonathan wants to establish a retirement plan so he can save for retirement and the retirement of his employees on a tax deferred basis. Jonathan only wants to contribute to the plan when the business makes a profit. He is happy to contribute on behalf of his employees if the business is doing well. He wants to limit administrative fees. You have been hired to recommend a plan for Jonathan.

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Complete the following:

  • Apply the financial planning concepts we have learned in this course to guide Jonathan on the fiscal planning he must do to determine when it would be appropriate to make retirement contributions for himself and his employees.
  • Evaluate the different retirement plans available to Jonathan and recommend appropriate choices.
  • Examine the risks associated with your recommendation and the ways Jonathan can mitigate these.
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