Your Chief of Police has started a task force to identify the highest crime areas in your city. He is relying on you to advise him on the best way to determine these areas based on your research methodology expertise.

Therefore, you must draft an essay to help the chief understand the four major purposes of research as well as to indicate which is the best approach for identifying the highest crime areas.


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In a minimum of 1 – 2 pages of written text (not including the cover page and reference page), you will:

  • Identify and describe the 4 purposes of research
  • Provide an example for each purpose of research
  • Indicate the relationship among the 4 purposes of research
  • Indicate which of the 4 purposes would be best for identifying the highest crime areas in the city

APA specifications are expected to be followed in the format of the proposal, the citations, and the references. For more information visit: the writing center. More information on writing your project is noted in the Directions page in this unit.

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