Research-Based Interventions on Stress Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Conduct Disorders, and ADHD Paper


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Select a stress disorder, conduct disorder.


Use the Research Analysis to complete this assignment.


Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology.


Review and differentiate the characteristics of the selected disorder and discuss the research about intervention strategies for the disorder by completing the following:


  • Evaluate three peer reviewed research studies using the Research Analysis.
  • Conceptualize the disorder using one of the psychological perspectives listed in the text.
  • Discuss the treatments or interventions that have been shown to be the most effective for your selected disorder. Why?


Cite at least five peer-reviewed sources.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.






Research Analysis






Peer-reviewed study


Peer review refers to a study that has been accepted by a standard journal using blind review by peers in the field. This means that every study should have a fair access to publication based upon quality of the study.

Type of study

Types of studies can include experimental, case study, longitudinal, cross-sectional, survey, and so forth.

Measurement or assessment tools


A measurement tool is a means that the researchers used to measure or assess the variables under study. Did the study develop assessment tools? Did the study use objective measurement tools? Can the measurement tools be found and used by another researcher? Are the instruments valid and reliable?

Number of participants


This refers to how many participants were in the study.

How they were selected


Selection process can include the means of recruitment of participants; what was the sampling method or strategy? Describe the population. This could be clients or college students. Indicate sample size.

Number of groups


Was there a control group? The control group does not receive the treatment. Do these participants have the same characteristics and diagnosis as the experimental group participants?

How they were assigned


Were they matched or randomly assigned to one the conditions, or groups, in the study?

What type of intervention was delivered


Define the type of therapeutic treatment or intervention that occurred.

How the intervention was delivered


Were there therapists? Were the therapists trained to deliver the treatment? Was the study a drug study? Was it double-blind?

Were there repeated measures

In this area, we are looking at whether the study found the subjects 6 months or 1 year after the conclusion of the study. Was there a difference between the experimental and control participants at the follow up? We are looking at whether the treatment effect lasts over time.


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