
This assignment is based on a case study that is in Ashford University’s library. Please read Soltani, Azadegan, Liao, and Phillips (2011) which may be found in the Ashford University library (EBSCO database). You are the senior executive in charge of supply chain management for the focal firm or buyer in the United States. M-case and H-case are two important suppliers for your firm. The CEO of the focal firm wants action. The CEO has asked you to respond to the following statements. 



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Examine the problems and causes that may contribute to low quality throughout the supply chain. Soltani, et al. (2011) recommended that the leadership in the focal firm or buyer select good partners, ensure cooperation, and motivate loyalty to the buyer.

Describe how you would implement the recommendations developed in the case study.

Propose changes to the supplier contract in order for the supply chain to be successful.


Submit your three to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) written according to APA style as shown in the approved style guide. The CEO has also asked you to include two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook to support your answers.



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