sports business radio 1


Business Radio focuses on the issues and people directly impacting the

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world of sports business. Guests on the show offering an insider’s

perspective include pro sports league executives, agents, college

athletics administrators, sports apparel company reps, ad agency

executives, media executives and athletes. For this discussion, you will

select an interview to listen to from someone in a leadership position

in sports. After listening to the podcast, briefly describe the

interview selected. Provide the name and title of the individual you

selected. Then, describe any leadership qualities or strategies that you

learned from listening to the interview. Please note, there are over 50

interviews to choose from on the Sports Business Radio website. Respond

to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Please copy and paste the address below and place it into your web browser to review the list of available podcasts: Note:

If you are unable to listen to a podcast due to technical and/or

bandwith issues; you may select an article on one of these leaders from

our online library or the Internet to complete this assignment.

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