CSS Discussion Board – Layout and Interaction 3 Module
In this board, we will discuss current CSS and styling trends, best practices, recommendations, shortcomings, and concerns, as well as look at some tutorials for adding some cool styles.
- Find an article on the Web or information from a book, journal, or trade magazine that is current (within the last 2 years) and addressess CSS and/or Web page styling. Be sure your information comes from a legitimate source (so no Wikipedia, etc.) and is published by someone with credibility. The focus of the article can be pretty much anything CSS-related. Here is are two example, on that has some tricks for responsive design and one that uses some advanced CSS with jquery for some neat transitions!
- We will all use the same discussion board for this assignment instead of splitting into two groups.
- Create a post on the CSS Discussion – Layout & Interaction 3 Discussion to include the following:
- The title of the resource and your name should both appear in the Subject area of your post.
- An AP reference to your resource. Feel free to use this or another resource for more information on APA references.
- A summary, with some detail and in your own words, of what the author is stating. Give your thoughts on the article and describe a specific scenario or instance of where you might apply (or avoid) this technique or employ this trick.
- Use a different article than everyone else in the class; this means no duplicate articles or references!
- Be sure to review the Discussion Board Requirements and Grading section in the Syllabus area to be sure you are providing the necessary information to receive full credit.
Important: This discussion is due after 6 hours so please make sure you finish it before 6 hours.
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