You are a police officer assigned to a county-wide task force that is investigating major drug trafficking operations in your county. As part of the investigative process, a judge has issued a wiretap order for a suspect’s phone. You are assigned the resp

You are a police officer assigned to a county-wide task force that is investigating major drug trafficking operations in your county. As part of the investigative process, a judge has issued a wiretap order for a suspect’s phone. You are assigned the responsibility of monitoring phone conversations, and you overhear the suspect as well as other individuals who may or may not be involved in the drug ring. Before obtaining enough evidence to arrest and prosecute the suspect, you hear evidence related to other types of criminal activity.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 900–1,200 words:
    • What constitutional issues are involved in the scenario that dictates what you can and cannot do related to the evidence of other criminal activity outside the scope of the original wiretap order? Explain.
    • If you arrest the other individuals for the crimes not associated with the reasons for the wiretap, what happens to any future evidence that might be obtained from the wiretap? Why? 
    • If you fail to arrest the other individuals, are there any potential risks involved? Explain you answer.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
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