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Research health care facilities in your area that are either new or are being renovated. Your research will help you select your project focus. You will use this facility in future assignments throughout the course. Your selections are limited to

  • an ambulatory care clinic
  • a clinic within a hospital, such as an emergency room, surgical center, or an OB unit
  • a family clinic
  • an outpatient clinic
  • a long-term care facility

Choose one of the facilities from your research.

AccessToolWire® MedSpace®, through the link on your student website, and choose the corresponding facility template. This will be used for all of your facility planning assignments.

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Click on File > Save, or click the Save icon. You will then be prompted to create an account.

Create your account and give your design a title and description.

Click on Copy URL.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you describe your selected facility. Include the following elements in your paper:

  • Description of the facility you have selected
  • Community or facility need for the building or renovation
  • Type of population you are serving
  • URL of your design (at this point, it will only show the template you have chosen)

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

NOTE:You can access the link for MedSpace by clicking on thePractice/Simulation/Homework/Gametab next to theInstructions tab.

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