global business plan project

Every organization conducts research to plan and implement a business idea. This project is designed to provide the foundation for an international business plan. These activities offer flexibility for many settings related to global business enterprises. The framework may be used for planning global expansion of an existing product or service, or may be used to research a new foreign business opportunity. Each module of this project is designed to gather information for one component of an international business plan.

The final result of your global plan must be the following formats:

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a written report with supplementary tables and visuals. (10 pages APA format)

an power-point presentation with visuals.

Note: While the research components in each module are designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of this aspect of a business plan, selected items may be used to gather information for a specific element.

Table of Contents

Phase 1 – Planning the Global Business Enterprise

SLIDE 1 – Identifying Global Business Opportunities

  • Determine potential international markets for existing or proposed goods and services
  • Identify domestic and international companies involved in similar business global business activities
  • Examine geographic and economic factors that affect the business environment of a nation
  • Research social institutions, customs, traditions, and beliefs influencing business
  • Research the influence of government and regulations on business activities
  • Suggest objectives and an organizational framework for global business operations
  • Project start-up costs and funding sources for international operations
  • Identify needed databases and information systems to facilitate international business activities
  • Gather information on needed personnel for operating an international enterprise
  • Identify methods for reducing global business risks
  • Identify specific attributes and customer benefits for a proposed international product or service
  • Analyze distribution channels and intermediaries for global business operations
  • Suggest advertising messages, media and other promotional activities for an international enterprise
  • Estimate revenue and costs based for international business activities

SLIDE 2 – Analyzing International Competitors

SLIDE 3 – Assessing the Economic-Geographic Environment

SLIDE 4 – Assessing the Social-Cultural Environment

SLIDE 5 – Assessing the Political-Legal Environment

PHASE 2 – Organizing for Global Business Activities

SLIDE 6 – Selecting a Global Company Structure

SLIDE 7 – Financing Sources for Global Business Operations

SLIDE 8 – Creating a Global Management Information System

SLIDE 9 – Identifying Human Resources for Global Business Activities

SLIDE 10 – Managing International Financial and Business Risks

PHASE 3 – Implementing the Global Market Plan

SLIDE 11 – Product and Target Market Planning for Foreign Markets

SLIDE 12 – Designing a Global Distribution Strategy

SLIDE 13 – Planning a Global Promotion Strategy

SLIDE 14 – Selecting an International Pricing Strategy

Recommend a global pricing strategy based on costs, market demand, competition, and economic environment

PHASE 4 – Implementing the Global Market Plan

SLIDE 15 – Determining Financial Results

SLIDE 16 – Measuring International Business Success

Suggest potential criteria for global business accomplishments based on financial results and social contributions

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