What should be the aim of education? What should an education entail? What is “critical knowledge” for today’s learners?   Answer one…

What should be the aim of education? What should an education entail? What is “critical knowledge” for today’s learners?


Answer one or all of the essential questions posed.  Answer the questions by commenting and reflecting on the readings/videos/websites by identifying the major issues presented and give your analysis and opinions. Students should also select quotations and discuss the importance of what is being said, and/or agree/disagree with the author(s). To earn full credit, students must include references to the class readings and videos.   These entries are worth 3 point each for full completion.  The reflection should aprox.  2 – 3 well written paragraphs (aprox 500 words).

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Essential Questions Rubric  – 3 Points Possible


3 POINTS:  Fully answers the question by identifying the major issues presented and gives analysis on those issues.  Quotations and topics from videos and readings are referenced and writer explains their significance. Personal connections are made and supported by the day’s readings and videos.   Reflection is organized thoughtfully and professionally. At least 3 specific references


2 POINTS:  Fully answers the prompt with adequate support from class readings and supplemental.  Materials; however, general statements are drawn by the author.  Response requires more depth in personal connection and/or in supplemental support. Material is organized.


1 POINT:  incomplete in length or depth.  Answer is vague in its connection to the class readings and supplemental materials.  Material is not organized thoughtfully. Assignment is submitted past the due date.

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