Sexuality Analysis

 Please conduct analysis of gender role and sexuality messages in the media by exploring two internet sites, one aimed at a female audience and other aimed at a male audience.

Concentrating on concepts of sex, gender, gender identity, gender roles, and sexuality, visit the following websites: and

Using each website, conduct an analysis of the sites’ information, answering the following questions:

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  • What messages do these sites contain about gender roles?
  • How are women supposed to look, act, and/or think?
  • How are men supposed to look, act, and/or think?
  • What messages do these sites contain about “romantic” or “sexual” relationships?
  • Are these messages different for women and men?
  • What similar phrases are used to describe gender or sexuality?
  • What patterns do you see?
  • Compare the patterns you see here to your own experience.
  • What is your reaction to your findings?


After taking notes on the activities described above, summarize your findings in at least 2 paragraphs. 

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