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Week 2 – Assignment: Self-Regulation and Willpower


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  • You will be filling out the Willpower Worksheet to complete the assignment. To save it to your computer, use the following instructions: 
    • Right click on this Willpower Worksheet link.
    • Select “Save As.”
    • Save the file to your computer (desktop or a folder).
  • Complete the Willpower Worksheet by following these instructions:
    • Question One: Summarize the main ideas from the video and article. 
    • Question Two: Using your own words, define willpower and explain what it means to you. 
    • Question Three: Discuss a time you used willpower to delay instant gratification. What happened? What were the results? How did you feel after?
    • Question Four: Describe one situation that you are facing as a college student that requires willpower and explain how you will use your willpower to achieve academic success. The links to the video and article recommend very specific ways to use willpower. Identify at least two strategies from them that you can use to overcome the described situation that will allow you to achieve your academic goals.
    • Question Five: Describe one situation that you are currently facing in another area of your life (personal or professional) that requires willpower and explain how you will use your willpower to achieve success. The links to the video and article recommend very specific ways to use willpower. Identify at least two strategies from them that you can use to overcome the described situation that will allow you to be successful.
    • Question Six: Enrolling at Ashford University validates that education is one of your core values. Identify three of your educational goals that align with this core value. 
    • Question Seven: Explain how willpower encourages choices that are consistent with your three goals.

This assignment must be double spaced, written in Times New Roman 12-pt. font, and submitted to Waypoint as a Microsoft Word document. 


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