eco 305

“Exchange Rates Influences and Balance of Payments”  Please respond to the following:

  • Give two (2) examples of market fundamentals and market expectations influencing exchange rates. Next, determine the significant factors that attribute to market fundamentals and market expectations influencing exchange rates. Justify your response.
  • Examine three (3) effects that persistent balance-of-payments dis-equilibriums have on an economy. Determine the significance of these effects on an economy’s growth. Provide a rationale your response.

“Trade Challenges in Developing Nations”  Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, examine the manner in which current trade challenges may be affecting developing nations. Provide one (1) example of a current trade challenge that supports your response.
  • Evaluate the rationale for international commodity agreements that have been applied to commodities such as tin, cocoa, coffee, sugar, and wheat. Determine the important factors that contribute to the success of the trade agreements.

Week 4 e-Activity

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  • Go to the World Bank’s Website, located at and locate two (2) articles on trade in developing nations and international commodity agreements. Be prepared to discuss.


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