corrections in the 21 century 1

Answer each question in a minimum of 120 words. MUST USE provided material (PDF book) along with 3 other sources to answer each questions. Be sure to place in-text citations through out each “says who” fact of a paragraph. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Reference for the PDF “Schmalleger, F., & Smykla, J. O. (2015). Corrections in the 21st century (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education”

1.) Diversion and Probation (Thinking Critically about Corrections: Probation Effectiveness)

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In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented above.

2.) How important to you, as a taxpayer, is recidivism as a measure of program success?

3.) Do you believe probation officers can really keep offenders from committing new crimes or violating the conditions of their probation?

4.) If you were a probation officer today, by which outcome measures would you want to be judged? Why?

5.) There was a new diversion program developed in your county to help first-time misdemeanor drug offenders avoid incarceration and seek help in controlling their dependency. Your job as a diversion officer is to set conditions of diversion and then monitor and enforce compliance. One of your first clients fails the required weekly drug test. Should you immediately remove that person from the program? Why or why not?

6.) In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented.

7.) What are the reasons why policy makers and voters are favoring intermediate sanctions for nonviolent, low-risk offenders?

8.) Based on the average annual cost of boot camps (Exhibit 5-3) and the literature surrounding the effectiveness of boot camps, what would you predict about the future of boot camps?

9.) You have been called to speak to a group of legislators regarding the importance of intermediate sanctions. Even though most of the intermediate sanctions show little, if any, impact on reducing criminal activity, explain to the group of legislators why they should not pull the plug on intermediate sanctions. Think about the other goals that intermediate sanctions achieve.

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