one page memo

you will submit a typed one-page, single spaced analytical memo of the case. In the memo, you will assume the role of management presenting your recommendation to the Board. Please use the following format for this assignment:

Case name

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Your name and date

Key issue or problem

Recommendations that address the problem. Number each recommendation, as many as you feelare appropriate and write a thoughtful paragraph detailing each recommendation.

Write a second paragraph, immediately following the recommendation, that provides the support and rationale for your recommendation.

Having affirmed its place in the computer, phone, and music markets, Apple Inc. (Apple) decided to embark on a brand extension strategy, shifting its focus to wearable technologies. With this shift in mind, Apple launched the Apple Watch in April 2015 as an attempt to enter different industries. Apple Watch integrated fitness and health features with Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS) and other Apple products and services. Because Apple owned the necessary hardware, software, and services that were augmented through its ecosystem, the watch was virtually inimitable. The innovation thus appeared poised to be a true game changer. However, in mid-2016, Apple’s chief executive officer, acknowledged that Apple Watch had not created quite the market impact Apple had expected. Apple management had limited options. Should Apple reconfigure the marketing mix to realign Apple’s marketing strategy to reduce resistance to Apple Watch?

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