Create a graphic organizer, or complete the table attached, to identify and describe oral, reading, and writing strategies appropriate for each ELL proficiency label. Include a justification as to why each strategy is applicable to the specific ELL prof

Create a graphic organizer, or complete the table attached, to identify and describe oral, reading, and writing strategies appropriate for each ELL proficiency label.  Include a justification as to why each strategy is applicable to the specific ELL proficiency label, citing references. This is for elementary school aged students

 an example of the chart im allowed to use


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Instructional Strategies for ELLs


Pre-Emergent Instructional Strategies

Content Area

Strategy and Description


Speaking & Listening










Emergent Instructional Strategies

Content Area

Strategy and Description


Speaking & Listening










Basic Instructional Strategies

Content Area

Strategy and Description


Speaking & Listening










Intermediate Instructional Strategies

Content Area

Strategy and Description


Speaking & Listening













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