1. Suppose you belong to a tennis club that has a monthly fee of $100 and a charge of $5…

1. Suppose you belong to a tennis club that has a monthly fee of $100 and a charge of $5 per hour to play. Prepare a table and draw a curve to show the relationship between the hours of tennis (on the horizontoal axis) and the monthly club bill (on the vertical axis). For the table and graph use 5, 10, 15, and 20 hours of tennis. Find the slope of the curve per ______. The slope of the curve is ______ per ______. Suppose you start with 10 hours of tennis and then decide to increase your tennis time by 3 hours. On your curve show the inital point and the new point. By how much will your monthly biill increase?____ Suppose you start with 10 hours and then decide to spend an additional $30 on tennis. On your curve, show the initial point and the new point . How many additional hours can you get?_______ 2 A graph shows the relationship between the number of Frisbees produced and the cost of production. The vertical intercept is $___, and the slope of the curve is $____ per Frisbee. Point b shows that the cost of producing ____ Frisbees is $____. The cost of producing 15 Frisbees is $____. 140 100 c 140 60 b 20 a 0 10 20 30 3. Suppose you have $120 to spend on CDs and movies. The price of a CD is $12, and the price of a movie is $6. Prepare a table and draw a curve to show the relationship between the number of CDs(on the horizontal axis) and movies (on the vertical axis) you can afford to pay. The slope of the curve is _______ per ________. You manage Gofer Delivery Service. You rent a truck for $50 per day and each delivery takes an hour of labor time. The hourly wage is $8. Draw a curve showing the relationship between the number of deliveries (on the horizontal axis) and your total cost (on the vertical axis). Draw the curve for between 0 and 20 deliveries. The slope of the cost curve is _____ per _______. To draw the curve, what variables are held fixed? ____________ ____________________ A change in ______________wold cause a movement upward along the curve. Changes in _______________ would cause the entire curve to shift upward. A change in a variable measured on an axis of a graph casues movement ____________ a curve, while a change in a relevant variable is not measured on an axis _______________the curve. Compute the percentage changes for the following: Initial value New Value Percentage change 10 11 ______________ 100 98 ______________ 50 53 ______________ Compute the new values for the following changes: Initial Value Percentage Value New Value 100 12% _________ 50 8 _________ 20 15 _________ Suppose the price of an mp3 player decreases from $60 to $40. Using the midpoint approach, the percentage change in price is _______. Using the intial-value approach, the percnage change in price is _____
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