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The Unit 3 Assignment has two parts. You will need to watch two videos similar to the videos you watched in Unit 2. You will then answer the questions. Make sure that you provide internal citations for your answers, as well as a reference page. In order to get full credit for answering the questions, please provide a minimum of one paragraph for each question.

Part 1: A paralegal has been instructed by the supervising attorney to do whatever is necessary to obtain information needed in a particular case.

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Watch the video case study: Zealous Representation Issue: When You are Asked to Lie. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the ethical issues when lying to obtain information?
  2. May information posted on social media sites be used in the preparation or presentation of a case?

Part 2: A paralegal tries to file a pleading to avoid the statute of limitation deadline. Watch the video case study: Filing Documents and Court Deadlines. Answer the following questions:

  1. Does electronic filing prevent missing deadlines?
  2. Are there preliminary steps that must be taken before using electronic filing?
  3. Does the attorney need to sign documents filed electronically?
  4. May the paralegal sign pleadings for the attorney?
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