can you do a power point

Create a 13- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®presentation in which you address the following:

  • What role does ethics play in creating and guiding policy in the criminal justice system?
  • What role does ethics play in the enforcement of laws?
  • How does ethical enforcement relate to the role of investigating and combating terrorism?
  • Is torture ethical in terrorism investigations? What if it saves hundreds of lives?
  • How will ethics play into the future of law enforcement and related decision making?
  • Should there be mandatory ethics courses? Why or why not? If so, how often should they be attended?
  • Are there any police departments currently requiring mandatory ethics training on an annual basis? If so, what departments?
  • What was one of the key points made during your collaborative group discussion this week?

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

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Include at least two resources other than the textbook.

Include detailed speaker notes.

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