phamacology 1

  • Prescriptive Authority and the Physician Assistant: Please describe and explain the following:
  • What are the prescribing practices of physicians?
  • As primary care nurse practitioners (NPs) continue to develop their role as prescribers of medications, what will become most important?
  • What is the significance for a primary care NP who will practice in a state in which the governor has opted out of the federal facility reimbursement requirement. How does this define how NPs may write prescriptions?
  • Do CRNAs require a DEA number? Why or Why not?
  • What does the current trend to transition the NPs to the Doctorate level mean? Why has The American Association of Colleges of Nursing recommended this?
  • What is an important difference between physician assistants (PAs) and NPs?
  • Overview of PA Role
  • Qualifications
  • Education
  • Certification
  • Legal Foundation of Prescriptive Authority

Please answer the following questions as a supplement to week 2 lecture.

  • Drug metabolism, bioavailability and excretion. Explain the factors that affect how the body acts to metabolize and excrete a drug. What is bioavailability?
  • Explain pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  • Explain why it may be important to stick to a particular brand for drugs with narrow therapeutic ranges
  • Explain the differences between an inducer, a substrate, an inhibitor and a metabolizer.
  • What is the definition of the therapeutic range of a drug?
  • What is meant when a drug has nonlinear kinetics?
  • What is the Beer’s Criteria?
  • An NP is prescribing a drug that is known to be safe in children but is unable to find recommendations about drug dosing. The recommended adult dose is 100 mg per dose. The child weighs 14 kg. Using Clark’s rule, the NP should order _____ mg per dose.Clark’s rule suggests dividing the weight of the child in kg by the weight of an adult in kg and multiplying the result by the adult dose to get an approximation of the child’s dose. The average adult weighs 150 lb, or 70 kg.
  • A child who weighs 22 lb, 2 oz needs a medication. The NP learns that the recommended dosing for this drug is 25 to 30 mg per kg per day in three divided doses. What is the dose?
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