making ethical and socially responsible decisions in the context of globalization

Based on the Mega Foods Inc case you just read answer the following questions.

Use technical terms, principles, and frameworks in your responses.

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1. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major ethical issues you would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, please justify or support why you feel that each of the issues have ethical implications.

2. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 issues related to corporate social responsibility that would encounter in the process of formulating your recommendation. In your response, please justify or support why you feel that each of the issues have implications related to social responsibility.

3. Identify and specifically describe 3 to 5 major global trends that are specifically influencing Mega Food to consider relocating operations of the Orchard facility to the country of Frostburg. In your response, please be specific in stating why or how each of the global trends is directly impacting Mega Food.

4. Summarize 3 to 5 major challenges that Mega Food would encounter if they chose to relocate the operations of the Orchard facility to the country of Frostburg.

5. What would be your official recommendation to Mega Food? Please support your answer by providing a rationale that incorporates appropriate concepts covered in your business courses.

6. Quite often, leaders and managers are required to make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. This hypothetical case contained very limited information. If you could have access to 3 more types of additional information for this case, what is the nature of the information you would find helpful. Please justify your answer.

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