support the position of the dominance theory of business power

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Read Attached case study below as well as page 145–150 of Exxon and the Control of Oil.

Respond supporting the dominance theory of business power: Consider some of the following

–With reference to the seven levels of corporate power addressed in the text, how did the power of Standard Oil change society?

–Was the power exercised in keeping with the social contract of Rockefeller’s era?

–Does the story support the position of either the pluralist or dominance theory of business power?

–With reference to the seven levels of corporate power addressed in the text, how did the power of Standard Oil change society?

–Was the power exercised in keeping with the social contract of Rockefeller’s era?

–Does the story support the position of either the pluralist or dominance theory of business power?

Also state which theory (pluralist or dominance) you personally ascribe to. Did the arguments you read on this discussion topic change your perspective?

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