annotated bibliography for leadership


Select a current peer-reviewed article in nursing, health care, or a related field on workplace diversity or cultural competence and write a summary of the article’s important points, and discuss the article’s relevance to creating a diverse workplace and nursing leadership.

Please ensure that you select an article published within the last five years.

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This annotated bib review should be 3–4 paragraphs in length. You should write a total of 250–500 words for the entire assignment.

For help with the annotated bibliography, please review Annotated Bibliography Samples by Purdue OWL. Please note the citation for the article is located at the top of the review. Be sure to reference the annotated bibliography written in APA format.

For a better understanding of the term peer-reviewed please review Peer Reviewed Nursing Literature: What is Peer Review?

For a better understanding of what constitutes a peer-reviewed article, read Carolyn Sager’s Is this article peer-reviewed?

If you have additional questions please refer to the General Lib Guides for Research.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

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