income statement spreadsheet

In this module, you were introduced to the income statement and profitability ratios. In this assignment, you will use this information to create an income statement and then analyze it for profitability. Selected accounts for Jackson, Inc. are listed below along with their balances before closing the year of 12/31/12. Jackson, Inc. is a firm that manufactures wireless mouse systems for laptops. Use this information to complete the required elements below.

Interest expense


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Sales revenue


Selling expenses


Administrative expenses


Cost of goods sold




Gain on sale of equipment


Loss from fire


Retained Earnings (1/1/12 balance)


Tax expense


1Dividends were declared and paid to Jackson, Inc. stockholders

  1. On a spreadsheet, prepare a multistep income statement for the year ending 12/31/12 with proper heading. See link below for sample income statement. Near the bottom of your income statement should be a subtotal for income before taxes and then you should subtract taxes to compute net income. Net income should have a double underline.
  2. On the same spreadsheet, prepare a statement of retained earnings for the year ending 12/31/12 with proper heading. See link below for sample statement of retained earnings. There are no adjustments to retained earnings and ending retained earnings should have a double underline.
  3. On the same spreadsheet, compute the gross profit margin, operating income margin, and net profit margin for 2012, showing the numerator and denominator for all ratios. Take ratios out to the nearest hundredth of a percentage (e.g., 33.33%).
  4. On the same spreadsheet, write a paragraph analyzing each of the profitability ratios for Jackson, Inc. given the following information from previous years and competitors.

Gross profit margin

Operating income margin

Net profit margin

Jackson, 2011




Jackson, 2010




Competitor, 2012




The following links provide sample formatting for income statements and statements of retained earnings.

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