complete assignment below 57

Use the following chapters located in the attachment to help complete the assignment below. (NO REPEATING OF INFORMATION) (NO PLAGIARISM) (FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW located in attachment) please cite and add references from the book. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

This week’s assignment offers you the opportunity to think of developing study habits that can guide success in your studies and in your career. You read about how to take notes and process information in Ch. 3 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning.

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Next, Ch. 7, reinforces some of this information as you read about how to better use technology and sort through information.

Imagine now that you are working part-time at the university’s student resource center. It is your turn to provide advice to a student who is asking for help.

Refer to the Applying Positive Habits (Located in attachment below) instructions for assignment details. You’ll be able to choose the format for your assignment–either an e-mail for a written assignment or a pamphlet for a visual approach. Either assignment you choose is designed to offer you a real-life situation where you’re trying your best to explain what you know and have learned.

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