1 2 activity management skills for project managers


This activity will allow you to explore essential skills needed for project management.

Empirical evidence suggests that a project manager’s authority, autonomy, and conflict-management skills are essential for delivering projects within the approved schedule and budget. Create a graphic organizer that describes the skills listed below in the context of the organizational structure. Are they essential skills for project managers?

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  • Authority
  • Autonomy
  • Conflict management

Make sure you apply theory, scholarly resources, and course concepts throughout.

To complete this assignment, review the Module One Activity Guidelines and Rubric document.

Guidelines for Submission: Your one-page graphic organizer should adhere to the following formatting requirements: Consider a free online graphic organizer tool, such as Creately, Popplet Lite, or Bubbl.us, to create this assignment, and submit your graphic organizer as a PDF, JPG, PPT, XLS, or DOC file.

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