research plan prep 1

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  • After selecting a historical topic to research further, the next step in the research process is to create a research plan that compiles primary and secondary sources.
  • First, applying what you just learned about narrowing research questions, revise your research questions from your Topic Exploration Worksheet. Explain how you approached revising your research questions to assist your instructor in understanding your approach. This will help you draft an introduction to a hypothetical research paper with a strong thesis statement.
  • Second, applying what you have learned about comparing primary sources and analyzing secondary sources, do a deeper dive into the primary sources you listed in Part 3 of your Topic Exploration Worksheet to help you start your research plan. Describe what these sources add to your understanding of your selected topic and how they relate to the secondary sources you listed. Additionally, describe the historical context of your historical event based on what you have read in your secondary sources. Consider these questions to assist you in developing your description: What was going on in the world/area/society around the event? What were some of the biggest political, social, intellectual, diplomatic, and/or economic trends of this era? How did those greater political, social, intellectual, diplomatic, and/or economic trends cause or affect your topic?
  • The feedback you receive from this assignment should be implemented as you work towards your Research Plan and Introduction in Theme: Interpreting History.

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