application security 15

1. What is the one thing that a virus, a worm, spyware, and malicious code have in common? What are the differences among these three threats: a virus, a worm, and spyware?

2. How often should you update your antivirus protection?

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3. Why is it a best practice to have and to carry an antivirus boot-up disk or CD?

4. Is the manual quick scan good enough protection for a system?

5. What best practices for the workstation domain that can mitigate the risks and threats caused by malicious code?

6. If you have an up-to-date antivirus program, do you still need a malware detection program like Windows Defender?

7. What are some of the most common symptoms of malware?

8. What risk or threat do malware applications, such as spyware, pose to the workstation domain?

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