discussion board ii

  • The next chapter we cover one of the hottest topics of violence, Family Violence. According to the National Survey of Violence Against Women (NSVAW), 440 men and 1,247 women were victims of intimate partner homicide in 2000. Violence between intimate partners is not limited to homicide; for the 12 months prior to the survey interview, only 0.9% of the men were victims of assault, while 1.3% of the women interviewed were victimized. It is no need to argue how serious this crime is in our society. The point may be emphasized how much we understand the backgrounds of this crime embedded in our society. It is probably not just problems those offenders or victims have but also how our culture may have encouraged this crime without our consciousness.Workplace violence has multiplier effects that extend beyond the financial costs to the employer. In addition to the costs to the victim’s family, there are costs to society in the form of losses to the victim’s support network, increased health care costs, and a loss of business confidence. Patterns and Trends of workplace violence were less studied compared to other types of violence due to the misclassification of its victims. There is a discussion on a real family violence case this week.
  • Chapter 8 PPT Overview_4e

    Attached Files:

  • Chapter 9 PPT Overview_4e

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  • Period 5 Commentary

    There are some additional videos you may be interested to watch for the topic of family violence. They may be available from some paid video websites if you Google them. One is a video provided by A & E Home Video, entitled “Jon Benet: Anatomy of an Investigation.” The other one is from Films for the Humanities and Social Sciences, entitled “Family Violence: Breaking the Chain.”

  • Discussion Board II

    Discussion II of Domestic Violence After you read the Tacoma Confidential report, how would you analyze the domestic violence case? There are several issues involve:1. While our CJ system should be protective for the residents, the system itself has its own cover-up of its own crime or problems that will jeopardize our safety. How should this problem be resolved?2. Domestic violence does not just exist among criminals but also many ordinary people (who have a regular job or at least “normal” from outsiders’ eyes). According to what you have learned, can these potential domestic abusers be identified earlier to prevent many tragedies to happen? What can we do about it? Please suggest something practical, not just those “sounds right” answers.3. Lastly, I would like to encourage all of you to challenge your classmates when they offer suggestions corresponding to the abovementioned questions but make your critiques to be constructive.The attached files are files to assist your completion of the 4th discussion.Part I: Tacoma Confidential (a separate DOC file)Part II: Tacoma Confidential: A Dark, Unstable Past (a separate DOC file)

  • Part I Tacoma Confidential.docx

  • Part II-Tacoma confidential.docx

  • A 20 20 Domestic Violence story

    The link includes a video clip reporting a true domestic violence story. Although this story is not necessarily the same as the Tacoma case, both victims had been lived under fear for fear and helpless. This video clip was recommended to assist your discussion assigned this week. You do not have any assignment other than the 4th discussion.The original version was over 20 minutes long but no more available online, and it contains graphic content. Domestic violence is real. It’s disturbing, and it’s outraging.

  • 2020 Spousal Abuse (Breaking Points 20/20 News)

    Watch Video2020 Spousal Abuse
    User: n/a – Added: 9/6/13

    A domestic violence clip from youtube.

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